Monday, June 24, 2013


Processing Block

All statements between two event keywords or between an event keyword and a FORM statement form a processing block. When an event occurs, the system processes the processing block after the corresponding event keyword. Each statement in an ABAP/4 report program is part of a processing block or a subroutine.

INITIALIZATION - Point before the selection screen is displayed
AT-SELECTION-SCREEN - Point after processing user input on the selection screen while the selection screen is still active
START-OF-SELECTION - Point after processing the selection screen
GET <TABLE> - Point at which the logical database offers a line of the database table <table>. END-OF-SELECTION - Point after processing all lines offered by the logical database.

Events occurring during the processing of the output list of a  Report.
TOP-OF-PAGE - Point during list processing when a new page is started.
TOP-OF-PAGE DURING LINE-SELECTION - Point during detailed list processing when a new page is started.
END-OF-PAGE - Point during list processing when a page is ended.

Event keywords to write a program for interactive Reporting:
AT LINE-SELECTION - Point at which the user selects a line
AT USER-COMMAND – Point at which the user presses a
function key or enters a command in the command field.
AT PF<nn> - Point at which the user presses the
function key with the function code PF<n>

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